Investors and Media

Chairman's Letter - Notice of EGM

6th Oct 2008

Depa Limited
Headline : Chairman's Letter - Notice of EGM

If you have sold or transferred your interest in Depa Ltd shares, please send this Letter, together with the enclosed Voting Instruction, Attendance Request Form and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting, to the broker through whom the sale or transfer was effected for onward transmission. 

October 6, 2008 

Dear Shareholder, 


I am pleased to invite you to the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Depa Ltd. 

The EGM will take place at 6:00pm on Wednesday November 5, 2008 at Emirates Towers Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The venue will be open for registration for the EGM from 5:45pm. 

The DIFX is currently undergoing some changes in order to attract greater liquidity. The purpose of the EGM is to obtain your approval on some proposals that may have a positive impact on our share performance in the future, if and when we decide to implement them. 

The formal Notice of EGM provides a detailed explanation of resolutions proposed and an explanation of the way in which you can participate by asking questions and voting on the resolutions. Please read carefully the notes about your rights as shareholder. 

Also enclosed with this Notice, you will find the following documents: 
•Voting Instruction
•Attendance Request Form; and 
•H1 2008 Report 

If you have any questions regarding your shareholding, please call your broker in the first instance. 

Please return your Voting Instruction and Attendance Request Forms to your broker as soon as possible and in any event, no later than the date required by your broker in order to have your voting and attendance facilitated in due time. 

If you do wish to attend in person, you will need to provide a valid proof of photo identification (e.g. passport, driving license, etc) at the registration desk of the EGM. This will help ensure the security of the meeting and should enable you to pass through registration quickly. 

On behalf of the Board, I thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at the EGM. 

Yours sincerely 

Abdullah Al Mazroui 